
Jim Wilson Biography

Major James Grant Wilson, normally known as Jim, was until very recently a highly capable combat officer in the Royal Engineers. An intelligent and inspiring leader he has always generated intense loyalty from his tough, no nonsense, soldiers. He is also famous in many parts of the British Army for being able to recognise any scotch whisky by taste and smell. A talent that has earned him many savage hangovers as the soldiers of his company have tried to fool him. Tall and well-built, he has a scar across his chin that aches when it is cold and reminds him of Afghanistan. Unusually for an engineering officer, he has a fear of enclosed spaces, which started when he was trapped in a mine accident, while his father was showing him around, although he has managed to control this over the years.  He tried and failed to become an Army pilot, but has recently managed to acquire his private pilot’s licence in Canada.

His first marriage to Janet collapsed due to the numerous combat deployments he was obliged to undertake, although he has now found Megan and retired to be with her, they are expecting their first child very shortly. He is close to his sister, Sandra, although his relationship with her husband is difficult at best, possibly because his beloved Austin Healey 3000 sports car spends most of its time blocking half of their garage.

Major Jim Wilson discovers a mystery dating from World War 2, a seventy year old horror unfolds.

Hitler’s Last Vengeance Weapons Are Going To War

The first book in the Jim Wilson series.

Betrayed and deceived by those he called friends, Major Jim Wilson and his team must fight for survival.

A fight for survival and the need to right a terrible wrong.

The fourth book in the Jim Wilson series.

Major Jim Wilson's team search for Britain's lost gold from World War 2, but there is a traitor watching their every move.

The Search For Churchill’s Lost Gold Begins Again.

The second book in the Jim Wilson series.

Major Jim Wilson goes up against an unscrupulous arms dealer and his beautiful daughter in search of nuclear weapons.

A Nuclear Disaster Threatened By Criminals Must Be Prevented At All Costs.

The fifth book in the Jim Wilson series.

A dangerous quest that threatens world peace takes Major Jim Wilson from Cumbria to the Cayman Islands and Dubai.

A Prime Minister Acting Strangely and World Peace in the Balance

The third book in the Jim Wilson series.

Major Jim Wilson's team have a price on their heads, and those of their families, but the stakes go much higher.

A Threat to Millions But This Time It’s Personal

The sixth book in the Jim Wilson series.

Jim Wilson is forced to work for a Chinese criminal gang or his wife and child will be murdered.

A Crime Must Be Committed To Prevent A War

The seventh book in the Jim Wilson series.